Privacy Policy
1. Objective and Range:
This policy sets expectations for confidentiality, honesty, and privacy in interactions between potential clients and Beyond Care Australia. The Freedom of Information Act, the Disability Services Act, the Privacy Act, and the Disability Services Standards—all laws protecting people’s rights—formed the plan’s foundation.
Beyond Care Australia’s programs and initiatives are covered under this policy.
2. Declaration of Policy:
At Beyond Care Australia, every client is treated with the same level of decency, confidentiality, and respect as members of the public.
3. Methods:
Beyond Care Australia must follow the following procedures to fulfil its policy objective of ensuring that each participant has the same level of privacy, integrity, and confidentiality as the rest of the group expects.
Beyond Care Australia will Only collect client information necessary to meet service and care obligations.
- Make sure the individual or family has provided consent before obtaining information from another source.
- Obtain written consent from the individual or family before sharing any information with third parties.
- Make sure that the only staff members of Beyond Care Australia who need access to the previously specified data are allowed access.
- Make sure that the only staff members of Beyond Care Australia who need access to the previously specified data are allowed access.
- Advise the participant and their family that personal information about them might be held by Beyond Care Australia.
- Let the individual and their family know that Beyond Care Australia has the right to see the client's information.
- Make sure that Beyond Care Australia only retains client data for as long as is required to meet its duty of care obligations and deliver appropriate services.
- As soon as you can, look into, address, and record any concerns from customers regarding security, integrity, or confidentiality.
4. Performance Standards
- In order for the procedures to be successful, they must meet the following performance requirements.
- All clients and their families have received a copy of Beyond Care Australia' policy regarding privacy, dignity, and confidentiality.
- Every employee received a copy of the Beyond Care Australia Privacy, Dignity, and Confidentiality Policy, which is maintained on file.
- The significance of the information was explained to the participants and their families by Beyond Care Australia.
- No information is gathered from outside sources unless participants or their families have signed the Authority to Release Information forms.
- Beyond Care Australia maintains a customer information system that gathers all of a client's personal data in one place.
- Locked filing cabinets hold client files.
- Notice boards and whiteboards that are visible to the public or other clients do not post client names or other confidential information.
- Before being shown or broadcast in public, any pictures, films, or other identifiable images must have the client's or families prior written consent.
- Regular review of participant files has ensured that any personal data that is no longer needed or unlikely to be needed in the future has been removed.
- The principles of secrecy, privacy, and dignity as stated in this policy and the Consumer Grievances Policy were applied to every complaint.